

Yes I surely do.

WHAT??????????????? My bed, a California King (Yes, SIZE DOES MATTER!) with it's jersey sheets.......ah heaven. Have you slept on jersey sheets? NO? Try it! Naked(-ish).

Look , I (dragging a VERY reluctant and nagging Z along) searched for 4 months all over L.A. looking for the perfect mattress when I was engaged. (Z: What's the big deal?? Its JUST a mattress!)It took me longer to find the matterss than it did for me to find my wedding dress! THEN, after finding my darling bed,WE-paid-through-the-nose for the Sealy Posturpedic Beautyrest blah blah something. Z, who was nagging about it just being "a mattress", adores the bed. It's so comfy, you can't sit on it without getting drowzy.

When we moved to the other side of the planet 6 years ago and Z was wanting to sell everything I said "Look sell what you want, but we are shipping the bed..and the new sofas." That was fair, I thought. (The bed survived the 3 month ship trip.... the sofas had a bit of a rough time of it.) Anyway, that mattress is now 13 1/2 years old....... ah, but it's seen a lot of fun, that mattress.

But I digress....... I love my Perfect BED. Well, it is perfect and I was happy...until the damn alarm clock goes off.

This morning, there I lay, after tossing and turning for what seemed like ages to get in just the right position all happy and comfy..finally. (lookee here, I've got a bad back, so it takes a while to get comfy) I sleep, happy. next thing I know.....

deet deet deet. deet deet deet.......... (fucking alarm) snooze.

5 min later................deet deet deet. deet deet deet......(*stupid fucking alarm!!*).... snooze......and so on........ for 35 minutes. Then I shoot out of the bed like my ass is on fire. Damn! Damn! Damn!!!! Gonna be late for work! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run through the yard, jump in the car and VROOM! FLY to work. (I love my car!vroom vroom.3.5L high performance engine) Make it by the skin of my teeth-2 minutes to spare on the timeclock. WHEW!

Was it worth hitting the snooze button all those times???

You bet your ass!

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