

Like a virgin, bloggin for the very first time, like a virgiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn, when you come and visit my site. whoooaaa whoa whooooooooooooo.

Enough of my singing. Welcome to my long awaited blog!! (Well, by some people- and you know who you are!)

You can call me Cyn. All my friends do! This site is my haven and occasionally - OKAY!- frequently- my place to vent , rant and rave. The place for me to express my views, opinions, and "pearls of wisdom" (ahem!)hopefully with a bit of humor and most probably with a cynical touch of sarcasm. I don't hold back; not my humor, not my opinion, and not my occasionally rude language. Mainly because to do otherwise would not be being ME! I tell it how I see it. Be prepared to hear about any of the following topics on any given day: My infertility struggles this 2nd time around, my family, my daughter, stupid people tricks & celebrity antics, my cats or anything else that tickles my fancy. Don't say I didn't warn you…because I just did!

I can't wait to hear from you!

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