
Stanky Drawers

Today, I innocently opened one of my favorite websites...CNN for a look at the world around me and look what I saw: Photos, underwear seized in Jackson case. Items were taken in March from pop singer's wardrobe Ewwwwwwwwwww.

"the items taken by police included what Mr. V called a "pair of soiled, white Calvin Klein size 28 underpants, that had belonged to MJ." (MJ = Wacko Jacko) The article went on to say.....

"the collection of Jackson family memorabilia -- which he claimed was the largest in the world -- to a European collector. .......The collection included costumes, gold records, photographs, letters and documents.......the Jackson family had been collecting the memorabilia for years to decorate a chain of Jackson-themed restaurants, a venture that never materialized."

Now wait a cotton-pickin minute here y'all! First off, taking MJ's nasty stank drawers for evidence??? (Oooh, Monica L. deja vu going on BIG-TIME!) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. But then I noticed WHERE the investigators OBTAINED these undies from.

A collection. A collection of various family items that had been sold to a European collector. Memorobillia collected by the Jackson family had been collecting the memorabilia for years to decorate a chain of Jackson-themed restaurants, a venture that never materialized.

You mean to tell me they planned to do a Hard Rock Cafe dealie bob and, among other things, put MICHAEL'S DIRTY CALVIN's on DISPLAY?????? W.T.F.??????? That is beyond disgusting.

Can you just imagine? "Hi, I'd like the "Mama Jacksons Fried Chicken with greens, black-eyed peas and cornbread please.(My my, I'm awfully hungry now!) And would you lookie that, MJ's dirty undies that were sitting in a box in a collectors wharehouse for Lord knows HOW LONG; framed right here on the wall at the end of our booth!Is that a skid mark?"

Why not the glove? The penny loafers? The shades? Bubbles the Chimp?Dammmmmmnnnnn. ".......Miss Jackson (and the rest) if your're nasty" is right!

And the restaurant vision never materialized.......... there IS a God.

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