

Forgive me. I'm channeling Macaulay Culkin today…for most of the day.

See, my assistant has moved on to greener pastures rather suddenly and quite unexpectedly, and while I wish her the very best of luck in her new position, that doesn't stop the fact that I am….

SO. VERY.screwed. Particularly today. Why? Because the other assistant in the office was out today, meaning I was all alone. So naturally it was busier than usual. My desk looked like an avalanche hit, and that is just NOT the way I work. I like tidy piles at least, but none of that today. Nuh-uh! The phones alone had me wanting to cry and everything of course was URGENT. My boss also has selective memory. He makes appointments and tells people to come see him and then when they show up (which I know nothing about because why on earth would he bother to put it on his schedule??) he blames me for making appointments without permission and YOU try telling him as politely as possible that HE told them on the phone to show up!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *yanks fistfuls of hair*. Can you just imagine the strange looks I get from the people when I tell them, "He wasn't expecting you and they say "But he said to come!??"? Arugh.

Here is another strange example. He has been trying to set up an appointment with a particular ambassador and vice versa. He just got through telling me on Thursday how much he wants me to get this appointment arranged. So this morning I finally got an appointment confirmed for tomorrow morning… when the morning was completely open on his planner. So what happens when I tell him on he phone all triumphantly that I secured the coveted appointment? He freaked about how busy he is this week, and he has no time for these kind of things blah blah blah. This as I'm looking at his pretty much empty schedule this week on the monitor in front of me, completely puzzled.

Oh well, he is a really nice guy though. I just could not get over the amount of work today is all.

Of course I managed, BUT…. I'm even more exhausted than usual too.

Maybe because I slept like hell last night tossing and turning incessantly, the sound of my own cries waking me up repeatedly. I was in a constant half awake half asleep state for most of the night and early morning hours. I guess it's a damn good thing I can't remember what I was dreaming, now isn't it?

I think I'm going to hit the hay early tonight. I just have one or two more things to impart to you all.

1) I'm actually going to ask you early (read: NOW PEOPLE) for Inquisition questions this week, and,
2) Garfield, my apparently highly overs*xed 4 month old bi/gay/WTF?? KITTEN was at it again humping on his… half brother Bandit. Z is so freaked out about it that he told me to "snip his nuts if you wanna keep his freaky ass". Well! This from the man with 2 gay brothers? (one of which is now his sister. HELLOOOOO????) I kinda feel sorry for the vet. These are some seriously HEWGE balls on this cat. Much like that hamster I spoke of oh so long ago. WHAAAAT? You can't help but see his equipment, even with all that fur. He likes to sit like a person on his ass with his legs out in front of him. It's kind of hard to miss, you realize?

Well, I'm off to get some beauty sleep, my lovelies. I'm burnt OUT today. Now don't forget to get your quesitons in!! I'll be waiting.

1 comment:


bosses, hmph... can't live with them, can hardly have a job with out them.... unless you are the boss. better luck and day next time!